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Flow Action and Screen Component BasePacks

Flow Action and Screen Component BasePacks

This Post was most recently updated on: 4/7/24
Current FlowActionsBasePack Version: 3.16
Current FlowScreenComponentsBasePack Version: 3.3.3

These BasePacks are libraries of useful actions and screen components that are commonly used by developers as building blocks when they build their own actions and screen components.

The BasePacks are separated into two packages, one for Actions and one for Screen Components (the reasons they can’t be combined right now are somewhat arcane).

If you already have some of the components in the base packs installed in your org, you don’t have to worry about collisions because the versions in these base packs have different names. You don’t have to modify any of your existing actions or screen components that use the older versions of these components simply because you’re installing these base packs.



Version 3.16 Managed 4/7/24 Production Sandbox Updated API to V60

NOTE: The FlowActionsBasePack is also available on the AppExchange. Due to the overhead of passing security reviews, the version published on App Exchange won’t always be the latest version available here at More details can be found in this article.

NOTE: if you are installing now and you previously installed Version 2.x, Version 3 will be installed alongside Version 2. Don’t worry about deleting Version 2. It will continue to work for older components.

Troubleshoot Installation Issues

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FlowScreenComponents BasePack requires the presence of FlowActions BasePack (see above), because some of the screen components inside of it rely on Apex classes that are included in FlowActions BasePack. So you’ll need to install FlowActions BasePack first.

Version 3.3.3 4/7/24 Production Sandbox Fix to fsc_actionList

Note: If you get an upgrade error that references FlowTableViewDefinition please follow the steps in this document.

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When an org has the BasePacks installed, it has access to the following screen components and their support Actions:

Display Error

This component allows the developer to highlight an input in their CPE with an error condition.


Dual ListBox

This component surfaces the dual listbox in flow screens. It allows for multiple selection and returns the selected values either as a comma-separated list or (more usefully) as a collection of strings that can be looped over.


Expression Builder

A full expression builder. Generates formula strings for output, and these can be evaluated at runtime by the Evaluate Formula action, which is part of this package.



Flexcard is a great way to display collections of records:


Flow Banner

This is useful for any custom property editor. It provides a section banner with optional section help text.


Flow Button Bar

Flow Button Bar brings a more user-friendly interface, new features like icons and vertical buttons, and now offers two distinct “modes” of Flow functionality: Navigation Mode and Selection Mode. It has its own CPE giving much greater flexibility and control over configuring the component.


Flow Checkbox

This is useful for any custom property editor. It provides checkbox component for CPEs that will support a default value of True and will correctly retain the checkbox status when exiting the CPE.


Flow Combobox

This is essential for any custom property editor. It provides a picklist showing upstream merge fields.


Formula Builder

A full formula builder. Generates formula strings for output, and these can be evaluated at runtime by the Evaluate Formula action, which is part of this package.


Get Field Information

Get Field Information is a simple action that takes the name of an object (e.g. ‘Contact’) and returns information about all of its fields in a collection, including name, label, type, required. The data is returned in a collection of a custom datatype called a FieldDescriptor that can be manipulated declaratively in Flow.


Icon Picker

This component can add a visual icon picker to your Flow Screen and developers can include it in a Custom Property Editor or other Lightning Web Components. 


Object and Field Picker

Provides a drop in component for selecting Objects or Object/Field combinations.


Quick Choice

Add picklists, radio button groups and visual cards that can use dynamic defaults, record-type-filtered picklist fields, and string collections.


Reactive Conditional Visibility

A simple reactive component that takes a boolean reactive formula and returns a matching boolean value that can be used to control the conditional visibility of other components on the same screen. See the video for a sample use case.

Toast Message

A simple toast message for use in Custom Property Editors.

Transfer Metadata

A screen component that can retrieve or deploy any salesforce metadata.


Convert Records To CSV

This action takes a collection of records and outputs a CSV file. More detail here.

Developer Notes

When creating a project that relies on Screen Components Base Pack, you need to specify both the Actions Base Pack and the ScreenComponents Base Pack as dependencies, as shown below. This is because the Screen Components Base Pack makes use of the Actions Base Pack. Furthermore, the order you list the dependencies is critical. The ActionsBasePack has to come first.

    "packageDirectories": [
            "path": "force-app",
            "dependencies": [
                    "package": "FlowActionsBasePack@2.1.0-0"
                    "package": "FlowScreenComponentsBasePack@2.1.0-0"
            "default": true,
            "package": "testproj",
            "versionName": "ver 0.1",
            "versionNumber": "0.1.0.NEXT"
    "namespace": "",
    "sfdcLoginUrl": "",
    "sourceApiVersion": "50.0",
    "packageAliases": {
        "FlowScreenComponentsBasePack@2.1.0-0": "04t5G000004PuTgQAK",
        "testproj": "0Ho5G000000XZNfSAO",
        "FlowActionsBasePack@2.1.0-0": "04t4W000002vXUCQA2"

Version History – FlowActionsBasePack

Version 3.15 Managed 4/2/23 Production Sandbox Fixed some other old references to api versions that were causing problems.

V 3.14 Managed 3/26/23 Production Sandbox Fixed some other old references to api versions that were causing problems.

V 3.12 Managed 1/18/23 Production Sandbox Metadata Service classes updated to V57

V 3.11 Managed 12/29/22 Production Sandbox MetadataUtils function add

V 3.10 Managed 11/20/22 Production Sandbox Misc Fixes

V 3.8 Managed 11/20/22 Production Sandbox more adds to Metadata Service

V 3.7 Managed 11/12/22 Production Sandbox more adds to MetadataService

3.6 Managed 10/31/22 Production Sandbox

V 3.4 Managed 10/29/22 Production Sandbox Added a few missing Flow data entities

V 3.3 Managed 10/21/22 Production Sandbox MetadataService updated with the latest Flow data model

Version History – FlowScreenComponentsBasePack

Version 3.3.2 1/23/24 Production Sandbox Fix issues 1511 and 1505

Version 3.3.1 12/9/23 Production Sandbox Updates for Quick Choice and NEW ReactiveConditionalVisibility component

Release Notes (v3.3.1)

Version 3.3.1 12/9/23 Production Sandbox Updates for Quick Choice and NEW ReactiveConditionalVisibility component

Version 3.2.4 10/11/23 Production Sandbox Updates for Quick Choice and Flow Button Bar

Version 3.2.2 7/8/23 Production Sandbox flexcard fix

Version 3.2.1 7/5/23 Production Sandbox minor updates

Version 3.2.0 4/24/23 Production Sandbox QuickChoice now supports Help Text.

Version 3.1.1 4/16/23 Production Sandbox Flow Combobox now displays global variables, courtesy of Andy Haas.

Version 3.1.0 4/14/23 Production Sandbox Adds new Draw a Line component

Version 3.0.20 4/2/23 Production Sandbox Quick Choice bug fix.

Version 3.0.19 3/26/23 Production Sandbox Quick Choice is reactive and can take rich text in its visual card mode.

Version 3.0.18 1/6/23 Production Sandbox Bug fixes in Field Selector. Now requires Action Base Pack 3.10

Version 3.0.17 12/28/22 Production Sandbox Minor tweaks. Now requires Action Base Pack 3.10

Version 3.0.16 12/1/22 Production Sandbox Added rich text support to Flow Banner

Version 3.0.14 9/18/22 Production Sandbox FlexCard now has automatic scroll bars

Version 3.0.15 10/29/22 Production Sandbox lwc modal (bugs reported

Version 3.0.14 9/18/22 Production Sandbox FlexCard now has automatic scroll bars

Version 3.0.13 Production Sandbox Bug fix to Quick Choice card mode. More.

Version 3.0.12 Production Sandbox Visual improvements to Quick Choice card mode. More.

ersion 3.0.11 Unmanaged 8/14/22 (Production or Dev) fix for Dual List Box. Requires 3.0.0+ FlowActionsBasePack
Version 3.0.11 Unmanaged 8/14/22 (Sandbox)

Version 3.0.10 Unmanaged 7/21/22 (Production or Dev) misc fixes. Requires 3.0.0+ FlowActionsBasePack
Version 3.0.10 Unmanaged 7/21/22 (Sandbox)

Version 3.0.7 Unmanaged 6/1/22 (Production or Dev) misc fixes. Requires 3.0.0 FlowActionsBasePack
Version 3.0.7 Unmanaged 6/1/22 (Sandbox)

Version 3.0.6 Unmanaged 4/14/22 (Production or Dev) misc fixes. Requires 3.0.0 FlowActionsBasePack
Version 3.0.6 Unmanaged 4/14/22 (Sandbox)

Version 2.7.8 Unmanaged 4/7/22 (Sandbox)

Version 2.7.7 Unmanaged 3/10/22 (Production or Dev) fixed bug in Object Picker that was causing values entered by the user to get forgotten, improved sorting library
Version 2.7.7 Unmanaged 3/10/22 (Sandbox)

Changes since 7/21/21 (Version 2.5.1)

Version 2.5.4 Unmanaged 8/13/21 (Production or Dev)
Version 2.5.4 Unmanaged 8/13/21 (Sandbox)

Version 2.5.3 Unmanaged 8/10/21 (Production or Dev) – fixes: Quick Choice CPE gets static list builder, lwcModal utility for CPE added to package NOTE will not install currently

Version 2.5.3 Unmanaged 8/10/21 (Sandbox)

Screen Components Base Pack

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