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Note that this is NOT an official Salesforce website and that some of the content available here is not official Salesforce-supported technology.

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Now display Visual Card Pickers in dual columns in the quickChoiceFSC screen component

I have added a new parameter to the quickChoiceFSC component. You can now choose to display visual card pickers in a single column or side by side in dual columns.

Contributing to the Code in Flow Projects

One of the coolest things I’m seeing as UnofficialSF grows is admin turning into beginner developers and beginner developers turning into better and better developers. A key milestone on this pathway is creating your first pull request. A Pull Request is a very badly named thing that should be called a Code Submission. It represents […]

Rich Text Input – Flow Screen Component

Documentation consolidated here. 1/1/23: Here’s a powerful alternative extension to consider, with a different mix of features. Installation We recommend you install the version at this page.