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From Pratyush Kumar : Orchestrate Appointment Experience based on Language selected

Introduction :

This blog suggests a way that allows appointment booking with service resources who have support for a set of languages. Thus, we will be adding language support to our existing Appointment Booking flows.

Problem Statement:

Let’s say we have a Service Resource who can speak only a certain set of languages, say Hindi and English and another who can speak in only Chinese. Even though each of the resources have all the relevant skills for attending a Work Type, he/she will not be able to drive the appointment since they cannot speak a certain language.

By introducing language support we will try to eliminate this problem.

Solution Approach:

  1. We manage a multi-select pick-list custom field on the Service Resource Object which will store the list of languages the resources can support
  2. Add a selection to the flow that will display the languages – so that requestor can opt for languages he/she prefers to get the service in
  3. After selection of languages in flow, the FilterByResourceIds is populated by intersection of ( getAppointmentCandidates API call and SOSL to fetch resources supporting the list of languages)
  4. List the available service resources by filtering out those who know a specific language by leveraging “filterByResources”

Setup Steps:

Create a Global Value Set

Create a new Global Value Set , with a defined set of language values.

Add a Multi-Select Picklist Field on Service Resource

Add a multi-select picklist field on Service Resource which takes values from the earlier defined global value set.

Create an Apex Class

Add following code to create an Apex Class ( Note that this class method will be used to set the FilterByResourceIds parameter):

There are two ways in which we can create this action.:

  1. When there are many STM records for the selected ServiceTerritory, an extra API call can be used to reduce the scope of our query.

public class MultiLanguage {

   @InvocableMethod(label=’Get Service Resource Ids’)

   public static List<String> getServiceResourceIds(List<Input> inputs){

       lxscheduler.GetAppointmentCandidatesInput input = new lxscheduler.GetAppointmentCandidatesInputBuilder()


               .setTerritoryIds(new List<String>{







       String vString = lxscheduler.SchedulerResources.getAppointmentCandidates(input);

       List<Object> list1 = (List<Object>)Json.deserializeUntyped(vString);

       Set<String> test1 = new Set<String>();

       for(Object obj:list1){

           Map<String,Object> map1 = (Map<String,Object>)obj;

           List<Object> test2 = (List<Object>)map1.get(‘resources’);

           for(Object s:test2){




       System.debug(‘[RETURNED_RESULT]’ + test1);

       String languages = inputs.get(0).languagesSelected;

       List<String>languagesList = languages.split(‘;’);

       languages = ‘(\” + String.join(languagesList, ‘\’,\”) + ‘\’)’;

       List<ServiceResource> resources = DataBase.query(‘select id from ServiceResource where Languages__c includes ‘ + languages + ‘and id in :test1 and IsActive = true’);

       List<String> list2 = new List<String>();

       for(ServiceResource r:resources){



       return new List<String>{String.join(list2, ‘,’)};


   public class Input{


       public String serviceTerritoryId;


       public String workTypeGroupId;


       public String accountId;


       public String languagesSelected;



  1. In cases when the count of STM is not that large we can directly query without an extra API call.

public class MultiLanguage2 {

   @InvocableMethod(label=’Get Service Resource Ids2′)

   public static List<String> getServiceResourceIds(List<Input> inputs){

       String languages = inputs.get(0).languagesSelected;

       List<String>languagesList = languages.split(‘;’);

       languages = ‘(\” + String.join(languagesList, ‘\’,\”) + ‘\’)’;

       String serviceTerritoryId = inputs.get(0).serviceTerritoryId;

       List<ServiceTerritoryMember> resources = DataBase.query(‘select ServiceResource.Id from ServiceTerritoryMember where ServiceResource.Languages__c includes’ + languages + ‘and ServiceResource.IsActive = true and ServiceTerritory.Id =:serviceTerritoryId’);    

       List<String> list2 = new List<String>();

       for(ServiceTerritoryMember r:resources){



       return new List<String>{String.join(list2, ‘,’)};


   public class Input{


       public String serviceTerritoryId;


       public String workTypeGroupId;


       public String accountId;


       public String languagesSelected;




  1. Clone the existing Outbound New Appointment Flow.
  2. Add following Elements:
    • Variable : selectedLanguages of type Text.
    • Screen : Language Screen ( This screen will show the picklist values of Global Value Set to choose from set of languages )
      • Add a Multi-Select Picklist Component to the Screen
      • Under the Choice setup, add a New Choice Resource with theses values 

Video: (Working Solution)
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