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Refreshing and Reloading Pages, Screens and Recommendations

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Refreshing and Reloading Pages, Screens and RecommendationsRefreshing and Reloading Pages, Screens and Recommendations

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Deleted: <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p><p>The <a href="">Update Screen Local Action</a></p><p><!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --></p><p><a href="">Refresh Record Collection action</a></p><p><!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --></p><p><a href="">Keep Screen Flows in Sync with Record Data on Lightning Record Pages</a></p><p><!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --></p><p><a href="">Triggering NBA Refreshes</a></p><p><a href="">'Detect and Launch' Screen Component</a></p><p><a href=""><span style="font-size: 8pt"><em>Back to Wiki Home</em></span></a></p><p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p><hr class="wp-block-separator" /><p><a href="">About This Wiki</a><br /><a href="">Contribute to this page!</a></p> Added: <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p><p>The <a href="">Update Screen Local Action</a></p><p><!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --></p><p><a href="">Refresh Record Collection action</a></p><p><!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --></p><p><a href="">Keep Screen Flows in Sync with Record Data on Lightning Record Pages</a></p><p><!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --></p><p><a href="">Triggering NBA Refreshes</a></p><p><a href="">'Detect and Launch' Screen Component</a></p><p class="post-title entry-title"><a href="">Accidental Coder: Keep Screen Flow in Sync with Record Data on Lightning Record Page</a></p><div class="post-share-buttons post-share-buttons-top"><div class="byline post-share-buttons goog-inline-block"><div class="sharing" data-title="Flows: Keep Screen Flow in Sync with Record Data on Lightning Record Page"><div class="flat-icon-button ripple"> </div><div class="share-buttons-container"> </div></div></div></div><div class="post-header"> </div><p><a href=""><span style="font-size: 8pt"><em>Back to Wiki Home</em></span></a></p><p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p><hr class="wp-block-separator" /><p><a href="">About This Wiki</a><br /><a href="">Contribute to this page!</a></p>
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