Entries by Janani Narayanan

NBA – Best Practices

Best Practices (Strategic) Whiteboard! Whiteboard! Whiteboard!  Spend time in determining What: are the use cases?  Who:  are the recommendations for- is it for the end customer or is it for the agent themselves? Why: do you want these recommendations? what  are the target KPIs  A few common target KPIs Agent productivity CSAT NPS Revenue Conversions […]

Create a Next Best Action Employee App – Part 2

Setup and Installation steps (View Part 1 for demo video and details on the building blocks) STEP 1: Install package Install the NBA Employee app package and follow along OR Clone repo from git: https://github.com/jnarayanan15/repo/tree/Employee_NextBestAction STEP 2: Setup the environment Make sure all custom fields on the User object are accessible and visible in the […]

Create A Next Best Action Employee App- Part 1

Employee experience is the new HR superpower. Customer experience is no longer only for customers, with the Salesforce Platform you can not only seamlessly create amazing digital experiences for employees but also deliver them personalized and optimized. Especially in light of the new ‘work anywhere’ normal that fused home and work life, digital employee experience […]