Entries by Alex Edelstein

Using Send Rich Email to Improve Workflow Rules Communication

The Email Alerts that are available in Workflow Rules are limited in functionality. I remember thinking this as a customer of Salesforce more than 15 years ago. Salesforce isn’t investing in Email Alerts because it wants to transition to more modern technology. In the meantime, here’s an approach for getting massively customizable email into your […]

Contributing to the Code in Flow Projects

One of the coolest things I’m seeing as UnofficialSF grows is admin turning into beginner developers and beginner developers turning into better and better developers. A key milestone on this pathway is creating your first pull request. A Pull Request is a very badly named thing that should be called a Code Submission. It represents […]

Wire Service Considerations when using LWC and Flow

Wire services fire initially before any flow data is loaded into an lwc’s public properties. If you’re using flow inputs to drive those wire services, like this: …keep in mind that your function will have to deal with that initial result that comes back, which will often be something like undefined. What you want to […]