
Easy Random Numbers Come To Flow

So I was reading this thread that mentioned random numbers, and then I read this great post about building a Blackjack game out of flow, and the Monty Python-caliber dry humor (which may or may not be intentional; I haven’t figured that out yet) about the complicated math necessary to generate pseudo-randomness. And then I thought about how easy it is over in Apex-land to generate random numbers, so I built a Flow Action you can install into your org that takes two values and generates a true random number in that range.

Check it out here.

Guest Post: Duke and Luke’s Blackjack-in-Flow

While browsing reports of flow sessions at Dreamforce, I came across two guys claiming to implement an Entire Heckin’ Blackjack inside of Flow. This is My Kind of Dreamforce Session, but I wasn’t able to make it because they keep Product Managers very busy at Dreamforce. As of this moment I’m still waiting for the video to get posted, but in the meantime I asked them to write a blog post. As you can see, this flow involves everything: Steps, Debugger, Lightning Component, Formulas. It’s really impressive, and the blog post is presented here.


Architect: Sean Dukes
Coder: Luke Kozakewycz

By Sean Duke

It all started at a Salesforce user group. I was doing a presentation on Lightning Flow. I’d used a ‘Hello World’ Lightning component and showed how you could change the greeting based on the region of the person. It went down pretty well, but it was hardly the rich user experience you read about.

Fast forward a few weeks and for some reason I had the idea that Blackjack would be a great visual use case. I sketched out a basic design and it seemed like it ought to work, so I submitted the idea as a Dreamforce talk. I didn’t expect things to go any further, so it was something of a surprise when a few weeks later, the email came through. “Your idea has been accepted, can you run us through your slides next week?”

“Yes, of course.” There followed an interesting few days where we put some slides together and tried to turn those early sketches into something that at least proved that what we wanted to do was possible.

“The first thought that struck me was that I’d never played Blackjack.”

The first thought that struck me was that I’d never played Blackjack. There could be experts in the room. I needed to truly understand how to play the game, so I wouldn’t get found out. I hunted around the internet and interviewed a couple of people who had played. My initial ideas weren’t far off, but, now that I had my user stories, it was interesting how much like a real project this was becoming.

In Blackjack, you typically have more than one deck of cards and they’re not shuffled between every hand. But they are shuffled. The first job was to get those cards and shuffle them. Salesforce doesn’t have a random number function, which would have made our life easy, so we had to come up with another way.

If you think about it, when you shuffle cards it isn’t random. The order they start in determines the order they end up in. We didn’t need random, we just needed unpredictable. So how do you do that?

There are in fact several ways you could do this. This is mine …

The solution we came up with was to use two objects. The first object was the base deck. This contained the 52 cards, with their value, an image url, the name and whether the card was an ace or not. We also assigned each card a different five-digit prime number.

For the first shuffle, we looped through the base deck and added two of each card to a new sObject Collection. As we did that, we calculated a number we call the seed.

The formula was pretty simple.

The formula was pretty simple. Multiply one thousand plus the time the user was created in hundredths of a second by the card prime number and then by a second five-digit prime number. This gives you a number of between twelve and fourteen digits. We then take the right hand seven digits which is our first unpredictable number.

VALUE(RIGHT(TEXT([Card prime number]*([Time Created]+1000)*[Prime number 1]),7))

When we add the second card, we use a different prime number. We now have 104 cards in an sObject collection with 104 unpredictable seed numbers and we save this to a second object called Card Deck that has a lookup to the user. If we sort by this, then each card deck will have a different card order for each player unless they created their accounts at precisely the same second.

We don’t stop there.

We don’t stop there.We use a second field called the shuffle order. This is a formula field that multiplies the seed by a ten digit prime number and by the record number of the card in the card deck (a sequential number) and then we take the middle seven digits. This is the field we actually sort by. Even if two players started at exactly the same time, their shuffle orders would be radically different.

Shuffling again is simple. All we do is copy the shuffle order to the seed field and this creates a new shuffle order. It works really nicely.

It’s easy and satisfying to test this. The first thing to do is create a list view that shows the user’s cards.

Then you go to the shuffle flow — we have a separate flow because we re-use it in several places.

Now you click the debug button and enter in the user ID, which is the only input parameter required by the flow and click Run.

It’s worth noting that this debug method actually does run and changes data. It’s not something you want to be doing in your production org with an untested flow! For our purposes though, it’s great. Click refresh and you can see the result.

So shuffling was a good start and relatively straightforward. Now for the game itself. This was definitely the heavy thinking part. The breakthrough came when we started to look at the journey of each individual card.

We load the shuffled deck into an sObject Collection and then follow each card around. We use a series of variables to record what is happening with the player and the dealer and then we make decisions based on the value of those variables.

It took a while, but this is what we ended up with.

Break this down and the first part of the flow is all about getting ready. The right hand loop represents the playing of a single hand and the left hand loop runs when that hand is over and we get ready to play the next one. Simple 🙂 In all we ended up with 34 elements in the flow and four of those are to stop people cheating!

We should probably confess at this point that we decided splits, doubling and insurance were out of scope for our project. I have no doubt we could add those things in now.

A couple of things we noticed as we went along. Firstly, we were really diligent about creating descriptions on every flow element as a first step. Writing in long hand exactly what we expected to happen at each stage made completing each element much easier and the whole thing was easier to debug. The other thing that was interesting, was that the more efficient and the more correct our flow became, the fewer elements we had and the more elegant the flow itself appeared. I’m particularly proud of the fact that in the whole flow, we only ended up with one crossing connector and though I’ve tried, I can’t see a way to get rid of it. It will be interesting to see what this looks like when we put it in the new Flow Builder.

One thing that helped to keep the flow manageable was using formulas. For example, we have an assignment step where we work out the outcome of the game when the dealer has finished playing. We could have done this with a decision element and five assignments, but we were able to achieve the same thing with one assignment and a formula. Our assignment step sets the value of the GameOutcome variable to a formula result. This trick really cut down on complexity.

We tested our game as we were building it using a variation on that original ‘Hello World’ component. We had a view showing us the player’s card deck and then put our component onto a page, then we could compare the two side by side and make sure the game was behaving as we expected. This was crude and we didn’t have hit and stand buttons, but it was very useful.

At this point we had a working game and my coding skills had reached their limit. It was time to call in a professional! The Lightning component we built looks great, but it does remarkably little work. The screen element passes various values into the flow so that we know what we want to display. It has a timer, so you can see the cards being dealt out and it does look pretty, but that’s effectively it.

The only time the Lightning component changes a value is when the player hits stand. There’s an attribute called DealToPlayer. This will be true if it’s the player’s turn and if the player hits ‘Stand’ then this changes to false and is passed back to the flow. The flow does the rest.

Now all we needed to do was drag our flow onto the Lightning community home page (or in this case onto a Contact page for testing) and that was that.

We had our game and we could and did take it to Dreamforce. We even managed to get the whole audience playing in our special community and we had prizes, including for the fastest loser! Overall, it was great fun and a hugely interesting learning experience. If you want to find out more then, when the recording comes out, you should watch it.

Architect: Sean Dukes

Coder: Luke Kozakewycz

We both worked on bits of all of it.

© Sean Dukes 2018

September Content Report — Flow and Components

In which we draw your attention to great things being written:

Delete Records Using Process Builder

Using the new Page Reference mechanic to pass query parameters from URLs into Lightning Components

A great tutorial on Flow Stages by Jennifer Lee

Another great tutorial by Jennifer Lee on Local Flow Actions

Arnab’s introductory blog post covering the new Flow Builder

Bob Buzzard on Background Utility Items

Doug Ayers Deep, Useful, and Interesting Material on Calling REST from a Lightning Component , specifically his new library.

Know about a good blog post covering Flow, Components and Salesforce AppDev? Let us know about it at

New Flow Content

Flow Builder Posts

Check out Arnab Bose’s post on the new Flow Builder. Arnab heads up product management for Lightning Flow. The new Flow Builder is part of this Platform press release, as well.

New Flow Solutions Category on App Exchange

A new Flow Solutions section has been added to the AppExchange.

This includes a range of new flow actions, components and solutions.

The New Page Components Section

  1. Eric Smith, who has added great value with his Lookup component improvements, has posted a couple of cool Page Components. These are designed to go not in flow screens but in Lightning pages. We’ve created a new section here. The new components include:

Field Update Button

This is a generic Lightning Component that can be used in place of a JavaScript button to set the value of a single field in a record. This is handy for using a button to trigger a Process Builder.

Quick Action Button

This is a generic Lightning Component that allows a Button to execute a Quick Action. The Button can be placed anywhere on a Lightning Record Page.

The New Image Flow Screen Component

Note: This is not an official Salesforce posting or an official piece of Salesforce technology.

Watch the video.

I will be the first to admit that it’s not like you couldn’t put an image in a flow screen before now. The techniques are out there, but the pathways have been, shall we say, convoluted. Here’s a message from 2012:

Got that? Or maybe do it this way:

Over this weekend, I decided to take advantage of Lightning Component technology and the new Lightning Navigation to make a new component that’s easy to deploy and provides access to serious css styling.

The result is a new component called imageFSC. Like other Flow Screen Components, it comes in a package that you install into your org, and you add it to regular Flow Screens that are either running in Lightning Experience or are in Visualforce pages in the Flow container component.

Here’s an example of a screen

Let’s take a look at how this is done.

Images are Static Resources

To start with, you have to identify the specific images you want, and upload them to your Salesforce org as Static Resources.

I find the term “Static Resources” somewhat off-putting, but this is really just a storage location where you can stick images and other data files.

The simplest implementation of an image is this:

As you can see, you only have to provide the imageFSC component with a single input value, the name of your Static Resource.

These images are pretty big, but you can use css directives to resize your images:

The configuration for that looks like this:

Note that I have to use px to specify that I’m talking about pixels. The documentation for this component is here, and it provides links to some of the source material for learning about what’s possible with each of these attributes. For image height and width, you can, for example, use any of these:

  • in: inches
  • cm: centimeters
  • mm: millimeters
  • pt: points — the points used by CSS are equal to 1/72nd of 1in.
  • pc: picas — 1pc is equal to 12pt.
  • px: pixel units — 1px is equal to 0.75pt.

Let’s talk about positioning. If I make my screen wide enough, you can see that these two images end up on the same line:

That’s because the imageFSC component uses span elements instead of div elements. This allows you to put images side by side. Suppose you don’t want to? let’s say that instead we want to center these images like this:

The configuration involves two steps. First we instruct the browser to treat an image like a block (something that runs the full length of the screen from right to left), and then we tell it to auto-center it:

The attribute styleDisplayAsBlock defaults to false but should be set true if you want centering behavior. Note that you can enter a full four margin configuration into styleMargin or configure the four margin values separately.

Improving Presentation: Thumbnails

You can create a thumbnail effect by setting border values as follows:

This results in a border that looks like this:

Resizing Images Proportionally

To resize images while maintaining their proportion, use a combination of “auto” width and height and specific max-width and max-height:

In this image, the two photographs use that approach:

Showing Images On The Same Line

You can also specify that images should use a percentage of the total width. Here, each of the bottom images has been given 50% of their block:

Here’s the configuration:

I don’t actually need to set styleDisplayAsBlock to false. The fine tuning of the image Height has allowed me to match up two images with different size.

Using Images as Navigation

You can also choose to allow people to click on your image and have something happen, just like regular web page images. There are basically three things you can do with this component when someone clicks on an image:

  1. Move the Flow (equivalent to clicking Next, Previous, or Finish)
  2. Load a Web URL into another tab (Lightning Experience only)
  3. Replace the flow with another Salesforce page (Lightning Experience only)

Here’s an example, where two imageFSC components are used to provide custom Next and Back buttons:

The configuration of these images is:

There’s more information about flow transitions in the navigationButton component writeup.

I’ll cover the details of flow navigation in a later blog post. For now, the documentation is available here.

Want to install this component? You can do so here.

Strategy Crafter: Introduction

Strategy Crafter is a lightweight graphical tool for editing and managing Recommendation Strategies for Einstein Next Best Action. It is not an official Salesforce application. It was built by some members of the community. The real Strategy Builder will be delivered as part of later releases of Einstein Next Best Action. In the meantime, though, the Crafter can simplify the work to build and maintain Strategies.

Understanding the Strategy Pipeline

The Strategy is a new Salesforce element that lies at the heart of creating great recommendations. Information about Strategies is available in the official Salesforce pilot documentation, so these tool docs will assume you know about them.

Automatic Saving
Changes to strategies are automatically saved in the background and all strategies are implicitly ‘Active’ just like all changes to Salesforce records immediately take effect. There is no automatic versioning (as there is in Lightning Flow). You may want to use the Duplicate Strategy menu items to create copies. There’s also When you click Save in the Crafter, it deploys an XML metadata version of the current strategy to your org, overwriting any version that’s there.

Export and Import
Under the covers, the main purpose of this tool is to help you generate the complex XML documents that drive Salesforce. You can export and import these easily from the menu.
 Strategy Crafter ONLY WORKS WITH SUMMER ’18 ORGS.


Using Strategy Crafter

After installing, you should find a Strategy Crafter tab in the App Launcher. Select it to load the Strategy Crafter.

Loading a Strategy
 When you first install, you will probably not have any saved Strategies, so you should either create a New one from scratch or use the Import from XML menu item to paste an existing one in as XML. Here are some sample xml files in 214 XML format
 Activating/Publishing a Strategy
 Saving a Strategy deploys and activates it. Once you save a Strategy you should be able to configure the Next Best Action lightning component by providing the name of the Strategy, and it should start to produce Propositions.

Learn More: Tutorial 1

Reporting Issues

  1. Email them here for now.

Strategy Crafter Home

moved here.

Lightning Flow Local Actions — Summer Update

The Local Actions feature in Lightning Flow becomes generally available in the Summer ’18 release of Salesforce. This feature extends the range of things you can do with flow by allowing lightning component-based flow extensions.

Flow has long had the ability to incorporate extensions that leverage Apex classes and recently gained the ability to leverage arbitrary REST endpoints via the Open API specification (aka Swagger) via Salesforce’s External Services feature. However, both of those technologies execute in the Salesforce cloud, while Local Actions execute, like all lightning components, on your device in the browser.

The first thing this allows you to do is Browser Integration. The browser provides many useful features that websites use extensively, such as popping up alerts and playing sound. Available Local Actions that can be installed into your Salesforce org include Load Web Page, Play Sound, and Show Toast.

Another powerful capability is Direct Data Queries. Local Actions can make RESTful calls, and these calls travel directly from your browser to the target web service without going through the Salesforce cloud (which is how RESTful calls made via Apex and External Services work). If you have on-premises data services or a private cloud, you might like this ability to avoid round-tripping through Salesforce and an external port in your firewall.

A third powerful feature enabled by Local Actions is Improved Flow Finish Behaviors. As Salesforce has improved the range of places where you can insert a flow, the need has grown for greater control over “what happens when the flow is done?” You can now insert flow elements at the end of your flow that result in the loading of a new web page, navigation to a specific salesforce record, and navigation to a related list. And definitely check out the new Navigation Buttons.

Running Local Actions in Summer ‘18

Local Actions are generally available in Summer ’18. You only have to make sure that your org is properly configured to use lightning components. To do this:

  1. you must have My Domain enabled and deployed
  2. you must have the “Enable Lightning Runtime for Flows” checkbox enabled in Setup — Process Automation Settings

You do not need to be using the lightning experience to use these flow extensions, but if you’re running in the classic experience you need to use the lightning flow component on a visualforce page. (Furthermore, some of the local actions use force events that do not run properly when you run flows from Flow Setup, which doesn’t use a standard implementation of the lightning container. Those local actions are the “navigate” actions.)

Transitioning Spring ’18 Local Actions to Summer ‘18

If you have local actions that you’ve built yourself on a Spring ’18 org, you’ll need to modify them to run on Summer ’18, because the interfaces changed.

If you installed packages from, look for new Summer ’18 versions here now.

If you built your own, more information is provided here.

Flow Extensions April Update

  1. Lookup component now offers filtering

Due to huge code contributions from Eric Smith and datapharmer, the Lookup screen component has been substantially enhanced.
a) You can now filter the Lookup component based on a particular field:

b) but you can also choose to filter based on a where clause.

For example, if you wish to return only accounts of type “Vendor” or “Partner” you could enter the Object Name: “Account” and the where clause: “Type=’Vendor’ or Type=’Partner’

c) Finally, you can even create Dependent Lookup components, where the user looks something up in component 1, and then component 2 is filtered baed on the component 1 selection:

2. New NavigateToSObject Local Action

This great new action component from Salesforce Flow VP Arnab Bose provides a powerful new tool for controlling finish behavior. For example, you might have a flow that generates a work record. At the end of the flow, you can use this component to load the work record into your browser automatically.

Note that like all Local Action, this one requires that Spring ’18 orgs be enrolled in the open pilot, which you can request from support. Summer ’18 orgs will have this functionally generally available.

3. Summer ’18 versions of Local Actions Available

Summer ’18 orgs are starting to become available over the next 8 weeks. If you have one, your Spring ’18 Local Actions will stop working because of some changes made to interface names. However, Summer ’18 versions of all of the local actions at are now available.

Dynamic Questions in Lightning Flow

It’s now possible to create dynamic questions, where child questions appear and disappear based on the selection made in the parent question.

Here’s a video that demonstrates just a few of the useful things you can do with dynamic questions.

The implementation of dynamic questions takes advantage of Lightning Flow’s new ability, as of Spring ’18, to insert lightning components into flow screens. Using this, we’ve built a lightning component that produces dynamic questions upon request, and packaged it so that you can use it without touching code.

For more information, see