Entries by Tamar Erlich

Get Record Type Info by Object – Flow Action

This action can be used to generate a list of record types for a specific object. This can be useful when you would like to present a record type selector to the user. Can be used as inputs to the QuickChoice by setting Input Mode to “Dual String Collections”. Pass in one output collection for […]

How to create a Map collection in Flows by Narender Singh

Narender Singh form ForcePanda wrote a two blog series about using map collections in flows. The second blog makes good use of the new generic sObject support in flows coming in the Spring ’20 release Part 1: https://forcepanda.wordpress.com/2019/12/17/how-to-create-a-map-collection-in-flows-part-1/ Part 2: https://forcepanda.wordpress.com/2019/12/18/how-to-create-a-map-collection-in-flows-part-2flow-map-methods-spring20delight/