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Easily Extract Substrings & Tap the Power of Regex with FindText

Suppose you have a message like this, generated from an email you’ve received… “User User has requested your approval for the following item: https://ruby-force-1213-dev-ed.cs97.my.salesforce.com/p/process/ProcessInstanceWorkitemWizardStageManager?id=04i0U000000e9je Please click this link to approve or reject this record. Thank you,Salesforce” …and you need to extract that recordId. In the scenario that inspired FindText, the goal was to use Flow to auto-approve the approval request […]

Connect Powerful Einstein Discovery AI To Your Flows

Two recent articles highlight new tools to connect AI predictions to Flow. This one is by Salesforce Director of Product Manager Bobby Brill: This one by Salesforce engineer Alex Rich focuses on the use of the PREDICT formula function. His example shows PREDICT being used in Validation Rules, but the same use case is pertinent […]

From Jessie Rymph: How to display or upload a contact photo using Flow

Jessie Rymph over at her blog on Unhandled Sunshine posted a nice tutorial on how you can create a flow that lets users upload a contact photo or display their existing photo in a nice, clean, code free way utilizing Narender Singh’s File Preview component. Check it out

From Tamar Erlich – Submit an orchestration from a button

Currently there are two ways you can launch a flow orchestration: using a record trigger, or auto launch from Apex, But what if I want to be able to launch an orchestration from a button and mimic the good old “Submit for Approval” button? I looked at alternative ways to start orchestrations, and this is […]

From Ryan Mercer: Yet More File Upload Improvements

From Ryan Mercer: “I’m excited to release my next sprint of File Upload Improved. Thank you to everyone for your feature suggestions, I really enjoy working through your great ideas! Please continue to keep them coming.” This release’s features include… Show files below the component By default, the files will show above the File Upload […]